Top Woman Quotes

  • I was a woman unaccustomed to guilt, and it drowned me – pulling me deeper, cutting off my air supply. – Alessandra Torre

    I was a woman unaccustomed to guilt, and it drowned me – pulling me deeper, cutting off my air supply.– Alessandra Torre

  • Spiritual dating is the emotionally healthy way of dating as a conscious, empowered woman. – Amy Leigh Mercree

    Spiritual dating is the emotionally healthy way of dating as a conscious, empowered woman.– Amy Leigh Mercree

  • … there are things that outweigh comfort, unless one is an old woman or a cat. – Ursula K Le Guin

    … there are things that outweigh comfort, unless one is an old woman or a cat.– Ursula K Le Guin

  • A woman hath nine lives like a cat. – John B Heywood

    A woman hath nine lives like a cat.– John B Heywood

  • Love connects a man to his woman, money a woman to his man – Grazia Deledda

    Love connects a man to his woman, money a woman to his man– Grazia Deledda

  • A man of God who falls in love with a woman who worships idols will turn him to a zombie. – Auliq Ice

    A man of God who falls in love with a woman who worships idols will turn him to a zombie.– Auliq Ice

  • This woman is a virus and she’s eating me alive. – Jacqueline Francis  The Journal

    This woman is a virus and she’s eating me alive.– Jacqueline Francis The Journal

  • Nothing for young woman who yearned for something as extraordinary , and yet entirely normal , as love – Lisa Kleypas

    Nothing for young woman who yearned for something as extraordinary , and yet entirely normal , as love– Lisa Kleypas

  • She’s a good woman, he thought. The kind of woman whose goodness is oppressive. – Han Kang

    She’s a good woman, he thought. The kind of woman whose goodness is oppressive.– Han Kang

  • Your tears are never invisible—there is always an insecure woman that lights up when you point them out. – Shannon L Alder

    Your tears are never invisible—there is always an insecure woman that lights up when you point them out.– Shannon L Alder