Top Word Quotes

  • Letting go of someone you loved wasn’t hard. There was no word for what it was, because even if you didn’t let them go they were still gone. – Lauren Kate

    Letting go of someone you loved wasn’t hard. There was no word for what it was, because even if you didn’t let them go they were still gone.– Lauren Kate

  • Ender had come to feel a unity so strong that the word we came to his lips much more easily than I. – Orson Scott Card

    Ender had come to feel a unity so strong that the word we came to his lips much more easily than I.– Orson Scott Card

  • Writer. Another word for poor. – Buffy Andrews

    Writer. Another word for poor.– Buffy Andrews

  • Every writer, of course, has very specific ideas about editors. But writers seldom get the last word on anything. – Terry McDonell

    Every writer, of course, has very specific ideas about editors. But writers seldom get the last word on anything.– Terry McDonell

  • the word dyting is not synonymous with the word useless – Mitch Albom

    the word dyting is not synonymous with the word useless– Mitch Albom

  • The word of a cat is not to be relied upon. – Robin Hobb

    The word of a cat is not to be relied upon.– Robin Hobb

  • A wise man nourishes his soul each morning with the word of God and enriches his day with God’s wisdom. Psalm 19:7. – Felix Wantang

    A wise man nourishes his soul each morning with the word of God and enriches his day with God’s wisdom. Psalm 19:7.– Felix Wantang

  • Writing a first-draft battle scene is akin to real combat-”chaos, confusion, and you must keep your cool as you fire word bullets downrange. – Don Roff

    Writing a first-draft battle scene is akin to real combat-”chaos, confusion, and you must keep your cool as you fire word bullets downrange.– Don Roff

  • When you view yourself through the lens of God’s Word, you will better understand God’s love for you and the worth you have in His eyes. – Elizabeth George

    When you view yourself through the lens of God’s Word, you will better understand God’s love for you and the worth you have in His eyes.– Elizabeth George

  • Love, simple word with brimming of blood. – Passionate Dreamer

    Love, simple word with brimming of blood.– Passionate Dreamer