Top Works Quotes
This is how it feels to die: It starts from outside and works its way in.– Sarah Wylie
God works through people by stirring their hearts and sometimes people never know how they are helping others.– Colby Buzzell
After all, what more does a true genius want? The mind itself is the palace where all the real treasures, the works of art, the indulgences exist.– Alex Scarrow
Christmas works like glue, it keeps us all sticking together.– Rosie Thomas
Cultural change works orders of magnitude faster then genetic change. Stephen Jay Gould– Jonathan Haidt
There’s no rule for better writing. Make your own rules, and see what works best for you.– Tarang Sinha
Simple works, complex fails.– Timothy Ferriss
Treat ’em like dogs, and you’ll have dogs’ works and dogs’ actions. Treat ’em like men, and you’ll have men’s works.– Harriet Beecher Stowe
Of all challenges, convincing dumb ones is the most difficult. Manipulation works better in such cases if your heart allows.– Ravindra Shukla
I subscribe to the thought that it doesn’t matter if it’s right or wrong. What matters is what works.– Tony Curl