Top Worms Quotes

  • worms have crawled up your nose and eaten your wits. – George RR Martin

    worms have crawled up your nose and eaten your wits.– George RR Martin

  • Whatever you are, do not even assume that you will be surrounded and gnawed by luxurious worms of an exquisite breed. – Alexander Zalan

    Whatever you are, do not even assume that you will be surrounded and gnawed by luxurious worms of an exquisite breed.– Alexander Zalan

  • She deliberated too much afore making decisions; he acted on instinct. He liked Oreos, she preferred pasta worms. – Sandra Hill

    She deliberated too much afore making decisions; he acted on instinct. He liked Oreos, she preferred pasta worms.– Sandra Hill

  • We live as best we may in a world of worms. – Jeanette Winterson

    We live as best we may in a world of worms.– Jeanette Winterson

  • It is infinitely better to transplant a heart than to bury it to be devoured by worms. – Christiaan Barnard

    It is infinitely better to transplant a heart than to bury it to be devoured by worms.– Christiaan Barnard

  • It is infinitely better to transplant a heart than to bury it to be devoured by worms.– Christiaan Barnard

  • Anybody who talks about the future is a bastard, it’s the present that counts. Invoking posterity is like making speeches to worms. – LouisFerdinand Cline

    Anybody who talks about the future is a bastard, it’s the present that counts. Invoking posterity is like making speeches to worms.– LouisFerdinand Cline

  • Bookworms are the most precious worms in the world when they are humans, feeding upon the paper’s body with their starving minds. – Munia Khan

    Bookworms are the most precious worms in the world when they are humans, feeding upon the paper’s body with their starving minds.– Munia Khan

  • A bird does not give up flying today because it couldn’t find any worms yesterday. – Matshona Dhliwayo

    A bird does not give up flying today because it couldn’t find any worms yesterday.– Matshona Dhliwayo

  • Life is supposed to be fast, not slow. Spirits fly when worms are crawling; birds sing when the dead are moaning. – Robin Sacredfire

    Life is supposed to be fast, not slow. Spirits fly when worms are crawling; birds sing when the dead are moaning.– Robin Sacredfire