Top Writing Quotes
Writers are like actors too. For every story we create, we must get under the skin of the characters and role play with our writing.– Jyoti Arora
If you really have talent, you know, you’ll go on writing – whatever people say to you.– Christopher Isherwood
Writing is easy. Writing is hard. It’s a breeze and a struggle, just like life.– Dennis R Miller
Sometimes the writing just comes and we’re like, oh yeah. Gotta love when that happens.– Buffy Andrews
I’m in love with writing, but sometimes I swear it hates me.– Buffy Andrews
Writing is what happens when the words in your head are overpowered by the words in your heart.– JL Bond
Writing is a little bit like ???????ution. First you do it for love. Then you do it for a few friends. Then you do it for money.– Molire
Writing is a solitary occupation, except for Presidential speeches and sitcoms.– Ron Brackin
Through the act of writing, a writer learns more about himself than he could ever imagine.– Rob Bignell
The beginning of every writing session is like setting down a road unknown.– Rob Bignell