Top Zoe Quotes

  • I was born ready.’ Zoe to Fee. – Lynda Panther

    I was born ready.’ Zoe to Fee.– Lynda Panther

  • On and off the field, you’re my hardest fall, Zoe. No one ever compared. No one ever will. – Ella Maise

    On and off the field, you’re my hardest fall, Zoe. No one ever compared. No one ever will.– Ella Maise

  • All but one of Zoe Pendergraft’s friends were dead. – India Drummond

    All but one of Zoe Pendergraft’s friends were dead.– India Drummond

  • That’s us,- he said. -œThose five nuts right there.-Which one is me?- I asked.The little deformed one,- Zoe suggested.Oh, shut up. – Rick Riordan

    That’s us,- he said. -œThose five nuts right there.-Which one is me?- I asked.The little deformed one,- Zoe suggested.Oh, shut up.– Rick Riordan