Grace upon grace upon grace, until we have made our way home.
– TB LaBerge
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- A foundation built upon trust will accomplish more than a foundation built upon worry. – KR Royal
- We are the reflections for the stars to gaze upon, upon a sea of glass. – Tom Althouse
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- Someday a loving Hand will be laid upon your shoulder and this brief message will be given: -œCome home. – Billy Graham
- Home isn’t a place. Home is the people who love you most, the people who will always love you, forever and ever, no matter what. – Jennifer Lynn Barnes
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- Build your home in small moments of joy, and you will always feel at home. – Charlotte Eriksson
- Wind has no home in the world,and therefore wanders everywhere.Light has no home in the universe,and therefore returns to God. – Matshona Dhliwayo
- A man can build a home but it needs a woman to run a home. – Amit Kalantri
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