When so many are lonely as seem to be lonely, it would be inexcusably selfish to be lonely alone.
– Tennessee Williams
Related Quotes:
- I am lonely, I am lonely, I am lonely, I am lonely, I am lonely. How appropriate that I write this to myself. – Richard Paul Evans
- To you, whoever you are, when I am gone -” remember to be kind tonight to some lonely person. For me. – Tennessee Williams
- I am alone, but never lonely. I am lonely, but never alone. – Benjamin Aubrey Myers
- The change was made in me; the thing was done. Well or ill done, excusably or inexcusably, it was done. – Charles ens
- You know something, you never know what lonely is until you are really alone, alone all day, alone all night, with no one to talk to. – Michael Morpurgo
- The trouble is not really in being alone, it’s being lonely. One can be lonely in the midst of a crowd, don’t you think? – Christine Feehan
- Truly speaking -finding happiness is to do with being selfish, but that doesn’t mean true selfish – Praveen Chenna
- We read to know we’re not alone. We read because we are alone. We read and we are not alone. We are not alone. – Gabrielle Zevin
- We’re born alone, we live alone, we die alone. Only through our love and friendship can we create the illusion for a moment that we’re not alone. – Orson Welles
- Time is the longest distance between two places. – Tennessee Williams
- Time doesn’t take away from friendship, nor does separation. – Tennessee Williams
- There’s a time for departure even when there’s no certain place to go. – Tennessee Williams
- I’ve been accused of having a death wish but I think it’s life that I wish for, terribly, shamelessly, on any terms whatsoever. – Tennessee Williams
- You have a spark of anarchy in your spirit and that’s not to be tolerated. Nothing wild or honest is tolerated her! It has to be extinguished… – Tennessee Williams
- Somebody said once or wrote, once: ‘We’re all of us children in a vast kindergarten trying to spell God’s name with the wrong alphabet blocks! – Tennessee Williams
- A drinking man’s someone who wants to forget he isn’t still young and believing – Tennessee Williams
- A prayer for the wild at heart kept in cages. – Tennessee Williams
- Chance, you’ve gone past something you couldn’t afford to go past; your time, your youth, you’ve passed it. It’s all you had and you’ve had it. – Tennessee Williams
- I know! WHY! -“ Am I so catty? -“ Cause I’m consumed with envy an’ eaten up with longing? -“ – Tennessee Williams
- She lives in a world of her own -“ a world of -“ little glass ornaments-¦ – Tennessee Williams
- I go to the movies because -“ I like adventure. Adventure is something I don’t have much of at work, so I go to the movies. – Tennessee Williams
- When you look at a piece of delicately spun glass you think of two things: how beautiful it is and how easily it can be broken. – Tennessee Williams
- All cruel people describe themselves as paragons of frankness. – Tennessee Williams
- I am the opposite of a stage magician. He gives you illusion that has the appearance of truth. I give you truth in the pleasant disguise of illusion. – Tennessee Williams
- All your Western theologies, the whole mythology of them, are based on the concept of God as a senile delinquent – Tennessee Williams
- Nobody sees anybody truly but all through the flaws of their own egos. That is the way we all see each other in – Tennessee Williams
- We are all sentenced to solitary confinement inside our own skins, for life. – Tennessee Williams
- Revolution begins in putting on bright colors. – Tennessee Williams
- The theatre is a place where one has time for the problems of people to whom one would show the door if they came to one’s office for a job. – Tennessee Williams
- If I got rid of my demons, I’d lose my angels. – Tennessee Williams
- Man is by instinct a lover, a hunter, a fighter. – Tennessee Williams
- Man is by instinct a lover, a hunter, a fighter. – Tennessee Williams
- I think that hate is a feeling that can only exist where there is no understanding. – Tennessee Williams
- Lupita thought that people who didn’t dance were selfish and lonely. – Laura Esquivel
- [He] made me feel lonely, and being alone with another person is much worse than being alone all by yourself. – Lindy West
- There’s a lot to be said for being alone. But you and I know, don’t we, Flavia, that being alone and being lonely are not at all the same thing? – Alan Bradley
- alone doesn’t mean lonely. It just means alone. It just means that for now, you’re on your own, and that’s not a terrible thing. – Hemal Jhaveri
- I don’t mind being alone either. The only problem is that if you’re always alone, you get lonely. – Colleen Houck
- That’s why; he’s worried about how his life is turning out, and he’s lonely, and lonely people are the bitterest of them all. – Nick Hornby
- I may be too young to be lonely, but I am too lonely to be young. – Caroline Yawn