When we give ourselves permission to go wherever our outlandish thoughts take us, we feel that rush of creativity and excitement.
– Teresa R Funke
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- One day this war will end. And when it does, Tule Lake will be just a memory. – Teresa R Funke
- This is how hatred begins — with a muffled laugh on a hot night and a knock on the door. – Teresa R Funke
- When you find your passion, turn a deaf ear to the naysayers and follow your dreams. – Teresa R Funke
- Spend one more day in pursuit of art that only you can produce, and somewhere, someone is envying your courage to do just that. – Teresa R Funke
- Putting our art out there is one of the biggest risks we can take. It’s a special kind of vulnerability. It takes guts to be an artist. – Teresa R Funke
- I’ve realized I don’t need to keep looking for my path. I’m already on it. I just need to trust where it leads. – Teresa R Funke
- As artists, it is our job to question the rules and ask if they are relevant or outdated, necessary or arbitrary, helpful or oppressive. – Teresa R Funke
- If your art is calling to you, its doing so for a reason. You are feeling a pull toward something for which your soul is yearning. – Teresa R Funke
- It’s ever so fun and fulfilling to be clever, but more lasting and effective to be consistent. – Teresa R Funke
- Never let your goals or convictions get in the way of living your life. It’s not about who dies with more, it’s about who lived the most. – Teresa R Funke
- We tend to think that what matters is decided by society or culture or religion or our peers, but no one can say what truly matters except us. – Teresa R Funke
- In those glorious moments when someone sees, really sees, your art and bothers to tell you so, relish it! – Teresa R Funke
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- Creativity is at the root of excitement. – Lawren Leo
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- It is of great importance, when we begin to practise prayer, not to let ourselves be frightened by our own thoughts. – Teresa of vila
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- I think the truth is that finding ourselves brings more excitement and well-being than anything romance has to offer, and somewhere we know that. – bell hooks
- We like what we like, we want what we want, and nobody needs to give us permission to feel that way! – Scott Lynch
- We all are creative by nature, but our creativity gets buried deep under the pressure of our day to day mad rush. – Sukant Ratnakar
- Your thoughts carry you wherever you want to go. Weak thoughts don’t have the energy to carry you far! – Israelmore Ayivor
- As surely as wherever the darkness is not, there you will find the light; wherever the ego is not, there you will find the soul. – Jennifer Sweete
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- Wherever wind visits, there it freshens the air; wherever wisdom visits, there it freshens the mind! – Mehmet Murat ildan
- Wherever you are, wherever you go, be sure to spread the light. – AD Posey
- Go wherever the narrow way passes. If possible, go wherever there seems to be no way and create a way. – Israelmore Ayivor
- Wherever there is danger, there lurks opportunity; wherever there is opportunity, there lurks danger. The two are inseparable. – Earl Nightingale
- Wherever you go, wherever you stay – there is eternity. – Kristian Goldmund Aumann