Livin’ ain’t livin’ if your livin’ ain’t givin’.
– TF Hodge
Related Quotes:
- If he aint tellin his boys about you, you aint the one. – Genereux Philip
- When life gives you lemons, you make lemonade. Then find someone who’s life is givin’ them vodka and have a party! – Ron White
- I’m not givin’ in an inch to fear. – David Crosby
- You got infinite channels and limitless rhymes, but the riddles of livin’ stay undefined? – David Mutti Clark
- Don’t call me ‘gentleman’. I work for a livin’. – Tamora Pierce
- The learnin’ mind is the livin’ mind… an’ any sort o’ smart is truesome smart, old smart or new, high smart or low. – David Mitchell
- I weep fer the livin. I weep fer the dead. I weep fer the yet to be born. – Moira Young
- Life is knowledge, livin it is Succes! – John Steinbeck
- We can best honor our dead by livin’ well. Moving’ forward dusna mean y love them any less. It just means ye’re still alive. – Heather Blanton
- Many quote scripture, less study it, and even fewer live it. ~T.F. Hodge – TF Hodge
- Between you and you, let there be no secrets. ~T.F. Hodge – TF Hodge
- Promoting what you don’t like, invites more of it to your doorstep. Beat the right drum. ~T.F. Hodge – TF Hodge
- A leader learned to follow, and serves the followers who are learning to lead. ~T.F. Hodge – TF Hodge
- Speak blessings, and write wishes. ~T.F. Hodge – TF Hodge
- Well, aint this a kick in the ????! – Genocider Syo Touko Fukawa
- If it aint broke, break it. Then build something better. – Jonathan Culver
- … a man aint so different from a horse or a mule, come long come short, except a mule or a horse has got a little more sense. – William Faulkner
- .fear aint real.. – Boris Kovalk
- you fix what you can fix and you let the rest go. If there ain’t nothin to be done about it it aint even a problem. It’s just a aggravation. – Cormac McCarthy
- Sometimes you have a little problem and you dont fix it and then all of a sudden it aint a littleproblem anymore. – Cormac McCarthy
- And when a man that old takes up money-hunting, it’s like when he takes up gambling or whisky or women. He aint going to have time to quit. – William Faulkner
- If I’m damned, what’s the point of pretending that I’m not? – Rosamund Hodge
- Scorned and torn, former love mates aim and shoot childish devastating daggers that penetrate beyond target to pierce the heart of their offspring. – TF Hodge
- Naysayers are frightened of their own power. – TF Hodge
- When you’re a light instead of a dim switch, your brightness radiates in every direction. – TF Hodge
- Worrying paralyzes progress; prayer, preparation and persistence ensures it. – TF Hodge
- I never thought that freedom would feel so much like grief. – Rosamund Hodge
- When you imagine it, feel it, then write it – creation is inevitable. – TF Hodge
- Get a wealth of ‘GOoD’ vibes at – TF Hodge
- Reclined legs don’t get fed, they get limp like boiled spaghetti. Walk it out! – TF Hodge
- But I can’t . . . I can’t leave anyone to the darkness. – Rosamund Hodge
- Though sometimes conflicted and seemingly restricted – grace be [the] wings of clarity. – TF Hodge
- If the choices you make are not quality, don’t put them on the top shelf. – TF Hodge
- I’m the girl who never gets angry and never wants anything, and that’s why my family is still alive. – Rosamund Hodge
- Karma and manifestation work 24/7 to balance the scales. Do justice, in due time. – TF Hodge
- Avoid having to pump your brakes by keeping your flow on cruise control. – TF Hodge
- Deja Vu confirms a faithful path worth taking. – TF Hodge
- Realize clarity from calamity. – TF Hodge
- Upon examination of a people’s history, beware the story teller’s motives. – TF Hodge
- Why play, lounge or labour in a social wasteland? It’s toxicity is contagious, and no respecter of persons. Fall back! – TF Hodge