A life lived without borders is a life lived in captivity
– Todd Stocker
Related Quotes:
- Your body can be in captivity, your life can be in captivity, but there is only one thing you should not allow to be in captivity; that is your soul. – Patience Johnson
- Starting the morning without prayer is like starting a car without gas. – Todd Stocker
- Without vision, a church devolves into a lukewarm, aimless organization characterized by infighting, budget grabbing and a dead heart for the lost. – Todd Stocker
- A life lived without forgiveness is a life lived in the past. – Asa Don Brown
- Words give sound to the beauty of Life. – Todd Stocker
- Making others better is a core value of a great life. – Todd Stocker
- A good man measures his life not in the number of his years but in the quality of his friends. – Todd Stocker
- Knowledge isn’t life changing. The application of knowledge is. – Todd Stocker
- Life always squashes death. Love always soothes sadness. – Todd Stocker
- Most people’s greatest regret is not living the life they knew they could live. – Todd Stocker
- To live a more balanced life, glance at the past, live in the present, and focus on the future. – Todd Stocker
- …life didn’t always have to be so serious. That life was to be lived. That life was one great adventure, to be lived well and to the full. – Tillie Cole
- Unified thinking without borders in apparent dimensions can only be strengthened when focused collectively ‘internally’. – AainaARidtz
- There is something almost insane about countries without common borders going to war, something unnatural. – Stphane Audeguy
- Donald Trump is launching his own nonprofit group: Borders without Doctors. – Joel Berg
- Gazing from the moon, we see one earth, without borders, Mother Earth, her embrace encircling one people, humankind. – Frederick Glaysher
- Before you eat the elephant, make sure you know what parts you want to eat. – Todd Stocker
- Fear is the chain still wrapped around a free man’s leg – Todd Stocker
- Fear is the chain that wraps around a free man’s leg. – Todd Stocker
- Change isn’t closing the door on the old, it is opening the door on the new. – Todd Stocker
- The words you speak reveal the heart you have. – Todd Stocker
- It is in the quiet that you gain perspective when you have to deal with the loud. – Todd Stocker
- Never underestimate the value of good friends. – Todd Stocker
- Patience is something I can’t wait to have! – Todd Stocker
- You need to get out of your nest in order to fly. – Todd Stocker
- If you try to be everywhere at once, you won’t be anywhere at all. – Todd Stocker
- Finding your purpose is a lifelong adventure. Enjoy the journey. – Todd Stocker
- Confidence is that internal alignment between what you know, what you believe and what you portray. – Todd Stocker
- A promise is something that has been given but not yet realized. – Todd Stocker
- Sin builds up. Forgiveness cleans up. – Todd Stocker
- Happiness is hanging with friends who know you way more than you’d care to share. – Todd Stocker
- The sense of fulfillment is often hidden in acts of kindness – Todd Stocker
- Where Love meets action, there be God. – Todd Stocker
- Busyness chokes deep thinking. – Todd Stocker
- A surrendered heart leads to greatness. A stubborn heart leads to struggle. – Todd Stocker
- The ability to stay calm and focused in the midst of change is what distinguishes great leaders from those just collecting a paycheck. – Todd Stocker
- Each day of your existence ready’s itself for your impact – Todd Stocker
- Overtime, your actions betray your heart. – Todd Stocker
- It is important to view current events through Christ-like eyes. – Todd Stocker
- A confident leader is like a duck. Above the water, he is calm and poised while below the water, he is driven by a flurry of focused activity. – Todd Stocker