Life has played her like a cat weaving between her legs, pretending to be tame, friendly, before sinking its claws into soft, vulnerable flesh.
– Wendy James
Related Quotes:
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- A cat is friendly in a hollow sort of way, like the way a ???????ute is friendly. – JonathanDavid Jackson
- The hotel was guest-friendly with hourly rates and had enough room to swing a cat, if it were a small cat and you wanted to swing it. – James A Newman
- Skill gives you legs to jog, talent gives you legs to run, brilliance gives you legs to sprint, but genius gives you wings to fly. – Matshona Dhliwayo
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- friendly people serving friendly people – flirtease
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- Its helpful to know the reasons for our faith…it helps us not be so vulnerable to doubt, and it helps us not be so vulnerable to false doctrine. – Holly Ordway
- A cat’s secrets run so deep that even the cat itself is often unaware. Their mysteries are as natural as whiskers. – Wendy Beck
- The cat is beauty and the beast, a baffling blend, a wicked feast.For all who dream of varied light, the cat holds both the dark and bright. – Wendy Beck
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- pretending to be good might be the same with pretending to be right, its just you are selfish on your own because you think only for yourself.. – Jinnul Jr
- Yeah,- said Harry. -œNo more pretending we care what happens when Jupiter and Uranus get too friendly . – JK Rowling
- Spain is more vegan-friendly than you’ve been led to believe. The truth is, most places are. – Wendy Werneth
- He’s my cat! He’s not God’s cat! Let God have his own cat! Let God have all the damn old cats He wants, and kill them all! Church is mine! – Stephen King
- When I was born I was loved and feared, people played with me but I never played with them. I loved them. – Simon Mashalla
- When he worked, he really worked. But when he played, he really PLAYED. – Dr Seuss
- All those practice fights when it was just us, two children pretending to be soldiers. Or two soldiers pretending to be children. – Sara Raasch
- Pretending to him that she felt something would be easy. Pretending to herself that she didn’t? That was a whole other story. – Brynn Kelly
- Four legs good, two legs bad. – George Orwell
- Listen, said Beverly. Let me tell you something. There is no Very Friendly Animal Center. That cat is long gone. – Kate DiCamillo
- Listen, said Beverly. Let me tell you something. There is no Very Friendly Animal Center. That cat is long gone. – Kate DiCamillo
- A house isn’t a home without the ineffable contentment of a cat with its tail folded about its feet. A cat gives mystery, charm, suggestion. – LM Montgomery
- I’m changing and I’m terrified of how weak I feel, how vulnerable my flesh and soul has become because of this girl. – K Weikel
- Newly-born books are like birds-¦ they shouldn’t be kicked out of the nest until they’re capable of flying. Wendy Anne Darling 5-1-15 – Wendy Anne Darling
- Hers is a timeless life weaving through other longer lives like a flash of lightning in a clouded evening sky. – Beatriz Fitzgerald Fernandez
- Compassion is not prevention of all negative certainty, it is a home floating on the sea of fear, that equally brings assistance to those sinking. – James C Emlund
- Shall I count to ten and then ring a bell before I dive down between your legs?- Dustin teased and sent her a wicked smile. – Kris Cook
- His mind was a tapestry constantly weaving and unweaving with the dedication of Penelope for her Odysseus. – Thomm Quackenbush
- Novel writing is World Building & Word Weaving (Neil Postman’s terms). – JM Varner
- Loving each other began with longing, weaving her loneliness into his. – Leah Kaminsky
- Knowledge is a rope, and you’re weaving a noose out of it. Leave some slack for the enemy. – Nenia Campbell
- In Silence there is eloquence. Stop weaving and see how the pattern improves. – Jalaluddin Rumi
- I’d found my niche: cat-owning, stalker-y secretary. And I played the same part again and again and again. – Felicia Day
- Trust, is the stone thrown into the sea, sinking deep in all its murkiness, unable to see what it once lived and believed to be a promise. – Anthony Liccione
- A cat’s rage is beautiful, burning with pure cat flame, all its hair standing up and crackling blue sparks, eyes blazing and sputtering. – William S Burroughs
- If the spirit lusts against the flesh, work so that you can gain the victory over the flesh – Sunday Adelaja
- I was kind of tired, I guess, of knowing people are flesh. Flesh and water. – Banana Yoshimoto
- I would rather serve God and displease my flesh than serve my flesh and displease God. – Mandy Fender