The blessedness of being little!!!
– William Shakespeare
Related Quotes:
- There is nothing in the world so much like prayer as music is. ~William Shakespeare – William Shakespeare
- Blessedness is not the reward of virtue, but virtue itself. – Baruch Spinoza
- England has two books, the Bible and Shakespeare. England made Shakespeare,but the Bible made England. – Victor Hugo
- Quoting Shakespeare doesn’t make you an intellectual. It just makes you a fan of Shakespeare. – Kevin N Fair
- How art thou out of breath when thou hast breathTo say to me that thou art out of breath? – William Shakespeare
- Mother, you have my father much offended. – William Shakespeare
- Tis in ourselves that we are thus or thus. Our bodies are our gardens to the which our wills are gardeners. – William Shakespeare
- – Where is Polonius?- In heaven; send hither to see: if your messenger find him not there, seek him i’ the other place yourself. – William Shakespeare
- I can’t talk, or I will throw up! – William Shakespeare
- Their manners are more gentle, kind, than of our generation you shall find. – William Shakespeare
- I’ll follow this good man, and go with you;And, having sworn truth, ever will be true. – William Shakespeare
- Where shall we three meet again in thunder, lightning, or in rain? When the hurlyburly ‘s done, when the battle ‘s lost and won – William Shakespeare
- They do not love, that do not show their love. – William Shakespeare
- O brave new world,That has such people in ‘t!-Miranda – William Shakespeare
- It is not in the stars to hold our destiny but in ourselves. – William Shakespeare
- There is no God but God, and his name is William Shakespeare. – Harold Bloom
- Parting is such sweet sorrow that I shall say goodnight till it be morrow. – William Shakespeare
- Some grief shows much of love,But much of grief shows still some want of wit. – William Shakespeare
- Heigh-ho! sing, heigh-ho! unto the green holly:Most friendship is feigning, most loving mere folly:Then, heigh-ho, the holly!This life is most jolly. – William Shakespeare
- Alas, my lord, your wisdom is consumed in confidence. – William Shakespeare
- Thou art a votary to fond desire – William Shakespeare
- Tis best to weigh the enemy more mighty than he seems. – William Shakespeare
- He’s mad that trusts in the tameness of a wolf, a horse’s health, a boy’s love, or a whore’s oath. – William Shakespeare
- There is a tide in the affairs of men which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune…- -• William Shakespeare, Julius Caesar – Lisa M Collins
- Virtue and genuine graces in themselves speak what no words can utter. – William Shakespeare
- ..What our contempt often hurls from us,We wish it our again; the present pleasure,By revolution lowering,does becomeThe opposite of itself.. – William Shakespeare
- That in the captain’s but a choleric word,Which in the soldier is flat blasphemy. – William Shakespeare
- What a piece of work is man! – William Shakespeare
- To be honest, as this world goes, is to be one man picked out of ten thousand. – William Shakespeare
- Uncertain way of gain. But I am inSo far in blood that sin will pluck on sin.Tear-falling pity dwells not in this eye. – William Shakespeare
- She moves me not, or not removes at least affection’s edge in me. – William Shakespeare
- Were such things here as we do speak about?Or have we eaten on the insane rootThat takes the reason prisoner? – William Shakespeare
- Be bloody, bold, and resolute. Laugh to scornThe power of man, for none of woman bornShall harm Macbeth. – William Shakespeare
- O, that’s a brave man! He writes brave versrs, speaks brave words, swears brave oaths, and breaks them bravely, – William Shakespeare
- Our nearness to the king in love is nearness to those who love not the king. – William Shakespeare
- The prince of darkness is a gentleman! – William Shakespeare
- The devil can cite Scripture for his purpose. – William Shakespeare
- There’s beggary in the love that can be reckoned.(Anthony and Cleopatra – William Shakespeare.) – Sarah Stuart
- To die, to sleep – To sleep, perchance to dream – ay, there’s the rub,For in this sleep of death what dreams may come… – William Shakespeare
- I would forget it fain,But oh, it presses to my memory,Like damnèd guilty deeds to sinners’ minds. – William Shakespeare