Compassion is not complete if it does not include oneself.
– Allan Lokos
Related Quotes:
- Self-love is having appreciation for oneself, respecting oneself, and caring for oneself, and the actions that help us mature also help it grow. – Tisha Marie Payton
- Include and grow. Include and expand. – Osho
- If your compassion does not include yourself, it is incomplete. – Jack Kornfield
- To forgive does not mean to condone. – Allan Lokos
- To forgive does not mean to forget. – Allan Lokos
- Any methodology for developing patience requires a multi-tiered approach. – Allan Lokos
- Thoughts, words, emotions & deeds not coming from love are likely coming from fear. – Allan Lokos
- The experience of pleasant, unpleasant, or neutral is the consequences of perception. – Allan Lokos
- The more we genuinely care about others the greater our own happiness & inner peace. – Allan Lokos
- The most important step in developing skillful speech is to think before speaking. – Allan Lokos
- So what is a good meditator? A good meditator meditates. – Allan Lokos
- To be mindful entails examining the path we are traveling & making choices that alleviate suffering & bring happiness to ourselves & those around us. – Allan Lokos
- Remind yourself that your mental & emotional health are important. – Allan Lokos
- Our work is not to become a better person, but to become present to the perfection we already are. – Allan Lokos
- Patience is both the tool for and the result of, our efforts. – Allan Lokos
- An open beginner’s mind is a powerful tool for developing patience. – Allan Lokos
- Without the ability to be present we are missing much of what the adventure has to offer. – Allan Lokos
- There is no illness that is not exacerbated by stress. – Allan Lokos
- A modern definition of equanimity: cool. This refers to one whose mind remains stable & calm in all situations. – Allan Lokos
- Our actions speak for us & they speak loudly. – Allan Lokos
- Praise & esteem can feel good, which is fine, but don’t look to them for inner peace & lasting happiness. – Allan Lokos
- We are all in this together. Our happiness inextricably is tied to that of all beings. – Allan Lokos
- People in the midst of losing their patience are certainly experiencing as aspect of dukkha. – Allan Lokos
- You cannot control the results, only your actions. – Allan Lokos
- No one looks or feels attractive when angry. – Allan Lokos
- The virtues of free enterprise can become distorted by greed & delusion. – Allan Lokos
- Patience has all the time it needs. – Allan Lokos
- Loving others is the greatest gift we can give ourselves. Altruism that rewards one’s self. – Allan Lokos
- The essence of the Dharma (the teachings of the Buddha) is about identifying the cause of our suffering & alleviating it. – Allan Lokos
- One who is patient glows with an inner radiance. – Allan Lokos
- Technology offers us a unique opportunity, though rarely welcome, to practice patience. – Allan Lokos
- Patience requires a slowing down, a spaciousness, a sense of ease. – Allan Lokos
- Inner Peace can be seen as the ultimate benefit of practicing patience. – Allan Lokos
- You actions are your only true belongings. – Allan Lokos
- We cannot force the development of mindfulness. – Allan Lokos
- Patience is born when we create a pause between our experience of a feeling and our response to that feeling. – Allan Lokos
- Support the type of thinking that leads you to feeling good, peaceful & happy. – Allan Lokos
- To desire to change one’s past means there is a desire to change oneself. To desire to change oneself, one must learn to change. – Lorii Myers
- To forget oneself-to lose oneself in the music, in the moment- that kind of absorption seems to be at the heart of every creative endeavor. – Dani Shapiro
- One should love oneself enough not to love oneself too much. – Marty Rubin