Getting rid of the drugs doesn’t get rid of all the other ways you learned to deal with the world. It’s not that easy.
– Amy Reed
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- Man is but a reed, the weakest in nature, but he is a thinking reed. – Blaise Pascal
- A leader is someone who creates better ways of doing things and better ways are new and comfortable ways. – Israelmore Ayivor
- There is a whole other world with an entirely different version of me, a me that is not pretty, a me that no boys want, a me she would never talk to. – Amy Reed
- A deal’s a deal. Nothing is for nothing. Everything has its price. – Marguerite Bennett
- All men are mad in some way or another, and inasmuch as you deal discreetly with your madmen, so deal with God’s madmen too, the rest of the world. – Bram Stoker
- One of the fastest ways you can profoundly change your life is to rid yourself of toxic people. – Bryant McGill
- We’re unique in ways that can’t be imagined, but you’ll never know until you rid yourself of comparison. – Tyconis D Allison Ty
- I do not think you should get rid of your sin until you have learned what it has to teach you. – Richard Rohr
- Phones are only good for ordering pizza and telling someone you’re running late – Amy Reed
- I’d love to wrap myself inside your sadness and pretend it is mine – Amy Reed
- What if I can’t ever be who you want me to be? What if I keep letting you down? – Amy Reed
- All I know is I want you to be happy, and if I could do anything to give that to you, I would. – Amy Reed
- I don’t know if anyone can ever really explain why they believe in someone. But I do. I believe in you. I hope that’s worth something. – Amy Reed
- Imagine trying to live without air.Now imagine something worse. – Amy Reed
- I had an enemy – myself. Getting rid of the ego-self, in came the Self. Now, here, there, everywhere is nothing else. Just One Self. – Fakeer Ishavardas
- Getting rid of the wrong understanding and attaining the right understanding is indeed bliss. – Dada Bhagwan
- Don’t you know romance is mind’s way of getting rid of it’s own duality? – Saurabh Sharma
- Meditation’ an exercise to keep positive things in mind by getting rid of the negatives – Samar Sudha
- Submission . . . involves getting rid of everything which hinders God’s control over our lives. – Billy Graham
- There’s no getting rid of you. You are already in my bloodstream and woven into the marrow of my bones. – Lindsey Ouimet
- Enlightenment does not mean getting rid of anything. It means changing one’s frame of reference so that all things become enlightening. – Mark Epstein
- Letting go is not getting rid of. Letting go is letting be. – Sally Brampton
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- Environment has its own ways of limiting us tightly. But leaders have their own ways of escaping those limitations narrowly. – Israelmore Ayivor
- Making friends is not a big deal. Replacing me with them after talking to them for only one bloody day is a big deal. – Erica Sehyun Song
- The plan to deal with fears: #1. Fear the Lord!#2. Let the Lord deal with the rest! – Mary Kate
- What you don’t deal with today, will live to deal with tomorrow. – Ifeanyi Enoch Onuoha
- What you don’t deal with today, will live to deal with you tomorrow. – Ifeanyi Enoch Onuoha
- You have a choice !Deal with life’s problems !or life will deal with you. – Lou Silluzio
- Good communication may not make a risky deal safe, but poor communication may sell benefits of a good deal. – Dianna Booher
- A person who can not deal with the past of others, can not deal with yours. – Davi Oliveira
- If you refuse to deal with time today, time will deal with you tomorrow. – Michael Bassey Johnson
- It was one thing to deal with monsters that were human in appearance. Another thing entirely to deal with humans who were monsters. – Samantha Young
- The way to find justice is to deal fairly with other people and not worry about how they deal with you. – Robert A Heinlein
- The apparent facts, if you like. I’m not a philosopher. We lawyers don’t deal in ultimate realities. Who knows what they are? We deal in appearances. – Ross Macdonald