Top Getting Quotes

  • Getting sober is a radically creative act. – Meredith Bell

    Getting sober is a radically creative act.– Meredith Bell

  • Getting rid of the drugs doesn’t get rid of all the other ways you learned to deal with the world. It’s not that easy. – Amy Reed

    Getting rid of the drugs doesn’t get rid of all the other ways you learned to deal with the world. It’s not that easy.– Amy Reed

  • Letting go is not getting rid of. Letting go is letting be. – Sally Brampton

    Letting go is not getting rid of. Letting go is letting be.– Sally Brampton

  • Damn, she was getting so tangled up by guilt and desire. ~Nikki in Texas Tangle – Leah Braemel

    Damn, she was getting so tangled up by guilt and desire. ~Nikki in Texas Tangle– Leah Braemel

  • I have a very hard time getting to rage. I always assume that maybe I’ve done something wrong and then forgotten about it. – Merrill Markoe

    I have a very hard time getting to rage. I always assume that maybe I’ve done something wrong and then forgotten about it.– Merrill Markoe

  • Getting the first draft finished is like pushing a very dirty peanut across the floor with your nose. – Joyce Carol Oates

    Getting the first draft finished is like pushing a very dirty peanut across the floor with your nose.– Joyce Carol Oates

  • Getting unstuck is a matter of choice. If you want flourish in life make a choice today to move into that reality. You can do it. – Sereda Aleta Dailey

    Getting unstuck is a matter of choice. If you want flourish in life make a choice today to move into that reality. You can do it.– Sereda Aleta Dailey

  • If you can love cats, you can love human beings, because you have to be able to love them without getting them at all. – Chris Kelly

    If you can love cats, you can love human beings, because you have to be able to love them without getting them at all.– Chris Kelly

  • If cats could count, they’d start getting nervous around the time they put paid to their fifth life. – John Connolly

    If cats could count, they’d start getting nervous around the time they put paid to their fifth life.– John Connolly

  • Lardo was getting on in years, and his big belly tended to slow him down a bit. – Sarah Weeks

    Lardo was getting on in years, and his big belly tended to slow him down a bit.– Sarah Weeks