Insecurity is disconnecting from what inspires you and taking on board an external point of reference.
– Bozena Zawisz
Related Quotes:
- You cannot wear every expectation. Consider putting aside one’s that don’t fit. – Bozena Zawisz
- You cannot wear every expectation. Consider putting aside ones that don’t fit. – Bozena Zawisz
- Each of us has our reference point and as a Christian the reference point by which I measure my life and thought is the Bible. – Billy Graham
- There is no external solution to the problem of insecurity. – Stefan Molyneux
- They say love inspires. Guess what inspires more? An enemy. – Donna Lynn Hope
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- Your past is a place for reference, not residence. – Ifeanyi Enoch Onuoha
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- To acquire a new perspective we must change our point of reference. – Ted Agon
- We don’t live through life only by our own experiences, we live through life with other people’s experience as a reference too. – Nike Thaddeus
- Your brain activates a magnificent system to store memories as reference points for you to learn from… not to create a past for you to be stuck in. – Steve Maraboli
- Your brain activates a magnificent system to store memories as reference points for you to learn from… not to create a past for you to be stuck in. – Steve Maraboli
- Since evil is nothing positive, there can be no principle of evil. It has no meaning expect in reference to something good. – Fulton J Sheen
- The position of a hero is not for the comparision, it is a reference point – Amit Kalantri
- The position of a hero is not for the comparision, it is a reference point – Amit Kalantri
- Netiquette starts at home. Family values are a good frame of reference for netiquette rules. – David Chiles
- Enlightenment does not mean getting rid of anything. It means changing one’s frame of reference so that all things become enlightening. – Mark Epstein
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- Gods can screw anything and anybody. For reference, see history.Atticus O’Sullivan – Kevin Hearne
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- The conscience is a communal organ-”a way of knowing that we do with others formed always in reference to others. – Ken Wilson
- Certain brands of guilt can be inculcated in a secular way but other brands of guilt can only be obtained with reference to the metaphysical. – Sarah Ruhl
- He prefers the security of known misery to the misery of unfamiliar insecurity. – Sheldon B Kopp
- If you want a strong future: Becoming secure with insecurity is the best security you can have. – Bill Jensen
- More money availability makes you more secure or increases your sense of insecurity – think again! – Sandeep Sahajpal
- Anything that was created today were once an unknown insecurity far beyond the next chapter of your life! – Vishwanath S J
- Envy is a sign of insecurity, yes; but so is longing to be envied. – Criss Jami
- Confidence is subtle. Insecurity is brash. – Sam Owen
- We’d avoid a lot of insecurity, if we fully, wholly believed in God’s wild affection for us. – Mary E DeMuth
- Greatness comes not in possessing security, but in withstanding insecurity. – Jeffrey Fry
- Human hearts are such pathetic, frail little things-¦ like Ego wrapped in needy insecurity stuffed inside a glass box, so easily shattered. – Jaden Wilkes
- Often, under the layers of our maturity is a child’s insecurity screaming for love and attention. – Charles F Glassman
- A little insecurity in a submissive wasn’t a bad thing, but her doubts shouldn’t be whether the Dominant cared. – Cherise Sinclair
- There’s no room in perfection for insecurity. – RK Lilley
- There’s no room in perfection for insecurity. – RK Lilley