Famous Carlos Ruiz Zafn Quotes

  • Whoever said that childhood is the happiest time of your life is a liar, or a fool. – Carlos Ruiz Zafn

    Whoever said that childhood is the happiest time of your life is a liar, or a fool.– Carlos Ruiz Zafn

  • In the haunted shade of the Ateneo, her hands wrote a curse on my skin that was to hound me for years. – Carlos Ruiz Zafn

    In the haunted shade of the Ateneo, her hands wrote a curse on my skin that was to hound me for years.– Carlos Ruiz Zafn

  • Justice is an affectation of perspective, not a universal value. – Carlos Ruiz Zafn

    Justice is an affectation of perspective, not a universal value.– Carlos Ruiz Zafn

  • The day I charge an unbeliever like you for the word of God will be the day I’m struck dead by lightning, and with good reason. – Carlos Ruiz Zafn

    The day I charge an unbeliever like you for the word of God will be the day I’m struck dead by lightning, and with good reason.– Carlos Ruiz Zafn

  • The city was asleep, and the bookshop felt like a boat adrift in a sea of silence and shadows. – Carlos Ruiz Zafn

    The city was asleep, and the bookshop felt like a boat adrift in a sea of silence and shadows.– Carlos Ruiz Zafn

  • Silence makes idiots seem wise even for a minute. – Carlos Ruiz Zafn

    Silence makes idiots seem wise even for a minute.– Carlos Ruiz Zafn

  • Sometimes memories follow you wherever you go-you don’t need to take them with you. – Carlos Ruiz Zafn

    Sometimes memories follow you wherever you go-you don’t need to take them with you.– Carlos Ruiz Zafn

  • I handed the photo back to her. The caretaker gazed at it as if it were a lucky charm, a return ticket to her youth. – Carlos Ruiz Zafn

    I handed the photo back to her. The caretaker gazed at it as if it were a lucky charm, a return ticket to her youth.– Carlos Ruiz Zafn

  • Now he knew that any memories he might cherish during the last years of his life would be only fictions from a biography he’d never lived. – Carlos Ruiz Zafn

    Now he knew that any memories he might cherish during the last years of his life would be only fictions from a biography he’d never lived.– Carlos Ruiz Zafn

  • I could tell you it’s the heart, but what is really killing him is loneliness. Memories are worse than bullets. – Carlos Ruiz Zafn

    I could tell you it’s the heart, but what is really killing him is loneliness. Memories are worse than bullets.– Carlos Ruiz Zafn