Famous Diana Gabaldon Quotes

  • At the best of times, Father Bain’s face resembled a clenched fist. – Diana Gabaldon

    At the best of times, Father Bain’s face resembled a clenched fist.– Diana Gabaldon

  • …knowing what o’clock it is gives ye the illusion that ye have some control over your circumstances. – Diana Gabaldon

    …knowing what o’clock it is gives ye the illusion that ye have some control over your circumstances.– Diana Gabaldon

  • I want to hold you like a kitten in my shirt, and still I want to spread your thighs and plow ye like a rotting bull. I dinna understand myself. – Diana Gabaldon

    I want to hold you like a kitten in my shirt, and still I want to spread your thighs and plow ye like a rotting bull. I dinna understand myself.– Diana Gabaldon

  • Alive, and one. We are one, and while we love, death will never touch us. ‘The grave’s a fine and private place/ but none, I think, do there embrace. – Diana Gabaldon

    Alive, and one. We are one, and while we love, death will never touch us. ‘The grave’s a fine and private place/ but none, I think, do there embrace.– Diana Gabaldon

  • Nay, he needs a woman, not a girl. And Laoghaire will be a girl when she’s fifty. – Diana Gabaldon

    Nay, he needs a woman, not a girl. And Laoghaire will be a girl when she’s fifty.– Diana Gabaldon

  • And I have wondered often, was I master in my soul, or did I become the slave of my own blade? – Diana Gabaldon

    And I have wondered often, was I master in my soul, or did I become the slave of my own blade?– Diana Gabaldon

  • The law’s a necessary evil–we canna be doing without it–but do ye not think it a poor substitute for conscience? – Diana Gabaldon

    The law’s a necessary evil–we canna be doing without it–but do ye not think it a poor substitute for conscience?– Diana Gabaldon

  • He has cat blood, I reflected sourly, no doubt that was how he managed to sneak up on me in the darkness. – Diana Gabaldon

    He has cat blood, I reflected sourly, no doubt that was how he managed to sneak up on me in the darkness.– Diana Gabaldon

  • True, the body’s easily maimed, and the spirit can be crippled – yet there’s that in a man that is never destroyed. – Diana Gabaldon

    True, the body’s easily maimed, and the spirit can be crippled – yet there’s that in a man that is never destroyed.– Diana Gabaldon

  • I’ve seen women-and men too, sometimes-as canna bear the sound of their own thoughts, and they maybe dinna make such good matches with those who can. – Diana Gabaldon

    I’ve seen women-and men too, sometimes-as canna bear the sound of their own thoughts, and they maybe dinna make such good matches with those who can.– Diana Gabaldon