SELF PORTRAIT: Throwing Armfuls of Air into the Air
– Jandy Nelson
Related Quotes:
- Every portrait that is painted with feeling is a portrait of the artist, not of the sitter. – Oscar Wilde
- We see ourselves as self-sufficient, self-important, and self-sustaining. God sees us as dependent, self-centered, and self-deceived. – Billy Graham
- Mom has a massive sunflower for a soul so big there’s hardly any room in her for organs. – Jandy Nelson
- The worst thing that could ever happen to Noah has happened. He’s become normal. – Jandy Nelson
- And I see that his brown eye has a splash of green in it and the green one a splash of brown. Like Cezanne painted them. Impressionist eyes. – Jandy Nelson
- Nor that he’s regarding my face with the same intensity I am his. We’re two paintings staring at each other across a room. – Jandy Nelson
- Good. That is it. You will see with your hands, I promise you. – Jandy Nelson
- Was the sky always this shade of magenta? – Jandy Nelson
- For the sun, stars, oceans, and all the trees, I’ll consider it. – Jandy Nelson
- Because how could he have done this?How could he have chosen to leave me here all alone? – Jandy Nelson
- How could a mother who boils water for pasta leave two little girls behind? – Jandy Nelson
- She’s a people-mechanic and always knows when I’m malfunctioning. – Jandy Nelson
- Reality is crushing. The world is a wrong-sized shoe. How can anyone stand it? – Jandy Nelson
- The coolest guys aren’t afraid to be feminists. – Jandy Nelson
- What if I’m in charge of my own damn light switch? – Jandy Nelson
- I do not want to eat or drink, or i will lose the taste of you in my mouth – Jandy Nelson
- There are people everywhere standing in line at the movies, buying curtains, walking dogs, while inside, their hearts are ripping to shreds. – Jandy Nelson
- When I wear her clothes, I just feel safer, like she’s whispering in my ear. – Jandy Nelson
- Someone might as well roll up the whole sky, pack it away for good. – Jandy Nelson
- That’s just how it is. Grief and love are conjoined, you don’t get one without the other. – Jandy Nelson
- I don’t believe time heals. I don’t want it to. If I heal, doesn’t that mean I’ve accepted the world without her? – Jandy Nelson
- I don’t know how this can be but it can: A painting is both exactly rhe same and entirely different every single time you look at it. – Jandy Nelson
- I can’t shove the dark out of my way. – Jandy Nelson
- Let me just unsubscribe to my own mind already, because I don’t get any of it. – Jandy Nelson
- I look into his sorrowless eyes and a door in my heart blows open. And when we kiss, i see that on the other side of that door is sky. – Jandy Nelson
- The.World.Is.Not.A.Safe.Place. – Jandy Nelson
- If she were drowning, I’d hold her head under – Jandy Nelson
- Me would like an invisibility cloak to get the hell out of this mess. – Jandy Nelson
- I have a very low eerie threshold. – Jandy Nelson
- I’m thinking the reason I’ve been so quiet all those years is only because Brian wasn’t around yet for me to tell everything to. – Jandy Nelson
- In photographs of us together, she is always looking at the camera, and I am always looking at her. – Jandy Nelson
- What is bad for the heart is good for art. – Jandy Nelson
- Love does as it undoes. It goes after with equal tenacity: joy and heartbreak. Her happiness was his unhappiness and that’s the unfair way it was. – Jandy Nelson
- They do make love stories for girls with black hearts after all. They go like this. – Jandy Nelson
- You can tell your story any way you damn well please.Its your solo. – Jandy Nelson
- The eye-roll is a 10.5 on the Ritcher. The Big One. California has slipped into the ocean. – Jandy Nelson
- Maybe what my sister wanted was to stay here and get married and have a family.Maybe that was her color of extraordinary. – Jandy Nelson
- Making a decision based on fear is like painting a self-portrait of someone else. – Charles F Glassman
- Every craft is a self portrait of the maestro who does it. Autograph your work with greatness. – Sravani Saha Nakhro
- Self-pitying, self-righteous, self-important, all the selfs except self-confident, the quality that she always needed the most. – David Nicholls