Do you want a level of income to fit your lifestyle or a lifestyle to fit your income level?
– Miles Anthony Smith
Related Quotes:
- I have an income nearly sufficient for my wants (no one’s income is ever quite sufficient, you know). – Anthony Hope
- Finding a job that is a good fit is as much about you selecting the right company as it is about them selecting the right candidate. – Miles Anthony Smith
- Every fit has a misfit. Finding your fit is the path rather than fighting to fit. – O Stephen Peart
- Income, that is the thing. I wish an income that will keep flowing into my purse whether I sit upon the wall or travel to far lands. – George S Clason
- Income, that is the thing. I wish an income that will keep flowing into my purse whether I sit on the wall or travel to far lands. – George S Clason
- Broadly speaking, there are only two ways human beings can make an income: …by contributing to society or they can extract an income from society – Martin Adams
- Move what you can do at level one when you get to level one. When you get to level two, you need a bigger power to move it! – Israelmore Ayivor
- Live a Nomad Family lifestyle to broaden your horizon and create a more suitable lifestyle for your family – Brenda Brave
- When I realize that God makes his gifts fit each person, there’s no way I can covet what you got because it just wouldn’t fit me. – William P Smith
- Neither care too much nor too little about the feedback of others. – Miles Anthony Smith
- Someday- is a dangerous word. – Miles Anthony Smith
- The goal of leadership is not to be likable or loved but to be proven trustworthy and respected. – Miles Anthony Smith
- Leaders bring things to conclusion, not necessarily consensus. – Miles Anthony Smith
- If you don’t have paying customers, you have a hobby. – Miles Anthony Smith
- If you can’t handle others’ disapproval, then leadership isn’t for you. – Miles Anthony Smith
- Build Icebergs, Not Skyscrapers – Miles Anthony Smith
- Adversity Isn’t to Be Avoided – Miles Anthony Smith
- Be Chris LeDoux, Not Garth Brooks – Miles Anthony Smith
- Selfish Apologies Aren’t Apologies at All – Miles Anthony Smith
- Show Us, Don’t Tell Us – Miles Anthony Smith
- Be a Strong Leader, Even If You Follow a Weak Leader – Miles Anthony Smith
- You Either Trust Someone or You Don’t – Miles Anthony Smith
- Abdication Isn’t Empowerment – Miles Anthony Smith
- If Everything’s a Rush, Nothing Is – Miles Anthony Smith
- Macromanage, Not Micromanage – Miles Anthony Smith
- Overoptimism Is More Dangerous Than Overpessimism – Miles Anthony Smith
- Don’t Give Someone Responsibility without Requisite Authority – Miles Anthony Smith
- I am suggesting that we don’t put the -œincome- cart before the -œcontentment- horse. – Miles Anthony Smith
- Our career mantra should be learn, relearn, repeat. – Miles Anthony Smith
- There remains a natural career progression even though the tougher job climate seeks to delay it. – Miles Anthony Smith
- What someone may lack in talent can be more than made up for in self-motivation, self-direction, and follow-through. – Miles Anthony Smith
- In the name of all that is holy, please consider the wages of a particular profession before you select that degree plan. – Miles Anthony Smith
- The construct of retirement is dubious at best and a farce at worst. Expectations contrary to this are to be dashed. – Miles Anthony Smith
- Whereas previous generations had to face some unpredictability, current generations are facing unprecedented levels of instability. – Miles Anthony Smith
- The surest way to ensure career extinction is to resist change and adaptation. – Miles Anthony Smith
- Everyone is dispensable but some are more dispensable than others. – Miles Anthony Smith
- Can’t we do better with Applicant Tracking System (ATS) software? – Miles Anthony Smith
- When presented with an open door in your job, drive a Mack truck through it. – Miles Anthony Smith
- Our weaknesses as a worker are only amplified by being in leadership. – Miles Anthony Smith
- dear me i think i can run miles after miles through my mind by imaginary flyover ,gather all together to write down on my notebook. – litymunshi