Say NO to negativity and say YES to positivity. Negativity has no place in your life.
– Stephanie Lahart
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- Say yes to life and life will say yes to you! – Bryant McGill
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- Say yes. Open your eyes, see that it’s me, and say yes. – Kelly Moran
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- I am hear to say I love you.I am hear to say I feel you.I am hear to say I care for you.I am hear to say, I really do. – Debasish Mridha
- When you have something good to say, say it. When you have something ill to say, say something else. – Christian D Larson
- say the words out loud / yes / the ones that make your heart pinch / say them out loud – NL Shompole
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- When people say sex is a filth of society, I say, yes! You’re born by enchanting mantras and breaking coconuts! – Himmilicious
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