Famous Sharon Salzberg Quotes

  • Even as we live with the knowledge that each day might be our last, we don’t want to believe it. – Sharon Salzberg

    Even as we live with the knowledge that each day might be our last, we don’t want to believe it.– Sharon Salzberg

  • Many strong emotions are actually intricate tapestries woven of various strands. – Sharon Salzberg

    Many strong emotions are actually intricate tapestries woven of various strands.– Sharon Salzberg

  • In those moments when we realize how much we cannot control, we can learn to let go. – Sharon Salzberg

    In those moments when we realize how much we cannot control, we can learn to let go.– Sharon Salzberg

  • Fearful of wasting a second, we hoard time as if it were money. – Sharon Salzberg

    Fearful of wasting a second, we hoard time as if it were money.– Sharon Salzberg

  • As a friend of mine told me about Real Happiness: you wrote this one in American. – Sharon Salzberg

    As a friend of mine told me about Real Happiness: you wrote this one in American.– Sharon Salzberg

  • Our vision becomes very narrow when we need things to be a certain way and cannot accept things the way they actually are. – Sharon Salzberg

    Our vision becomes very narrow when we need things to be a certain way and cannot accept things the way they actually are.– Sharon Salzberg

  • Mindfulness helps us see the addictive aspect of self-criticism-” a repetitive cycle of flaying ourselves again and again, feeling the pain anew. – Sharon Salzberg

    Mindfulness helps us see the addictive aspect of self-criticism-” a repetitive cycle of flaying ourselves again and again, feeling the pain anew.– Sharon Salzberg

  • The overarching practice of letting go is also one of gaining resilience and insight. – Sharon Salzberg

    The overarching practice of letting go is also one of gaining resilience and insight.– Sharon Salzberg

  • To reteach a thing its loveliness is the nature of metta. Through lovingkindness, everyone & everything can flower again from within. – Sharon Salzberg

    To reteach a thing its loveliness is the nature of metta. Through lovingkindness, everyone & everything can flower again from within.– Sharon Salzberg

  • Our ability to connect with others is innate, wired into our nervous systems, and we need connection as much as we need physical nourishment. – Sharon Salzberg

    Our ability to connect with others is innate, wired into our nervous systems, and we need connection as much as we need physical nourishment.– Sharon Salzberg