The step that we are on is only a step to the next place, and no step regardless of how massive is ever a destination.
– Craig D Lounsbrough
Related Quotes:
- My life is too often driven by the fear of the next moment verses focusing on the privilege that I have the next moment. – Craig D Lounsbrough
- Every advancing step I take toward my goal of comfort is yet another retreating step I take away from God’s goal of the impossible. – Craig D Lounsbrough
- Have we ever thought that being lost is our destination? – Craig D Lounsbrough
- An idea without sacrifice, regardless of grand it might be, will never be anything more than an idea. – Craig D Lounsbrough
- The first step is the best step in a journey towards a destination. – Debasish Mridha
- Just as art is art regardless of the colors, a human being is so regardless of race. – Dr Jacinta Mpalyenkana
- Morality is doing what is right regardless of what you are told. Obedience is doing what is told regardless of what is right. – HL Mencken
- What is next to ecstasy?Pain.What is next to pain?Nothingness.What is next to nothingness?Hell. – Umera Ahmed
- Tomorrow is the next step in life-”not the next stop in life. – Debasish Mridha
- Love has no demand of us but to keep practicing, to do the next hard thing. Love says, Come dear. Take the next step. – Anna White
- The presence of a path doesn’t necessarily mean the existence of a destination. – Craig D Lounsbrough
- Love is a perpetual journey that is extraordinary because it will never find itself terminated by a destination. – Craig D Lounsbrough
- The first step forward is to admit your fear, then you can take the next step to conquer it. – Ken Poirot
- No matter where you are along life’s path, your next step is your first step. – Toni Sorenson
- The greatest gains that we will ever experience arise from the greatest sacrifices that we have ever known. – Craig D Lounsbrough
- Good tells us that our agenda is the agenda of the person next to us. – Craig D Lounsbrough
- Regardless of where I have been, I choose to step into my loving. – Habib Sadeghi
- I know your final destination, I suggest to change it. (Is it Okay??? (FINAL DESTINATION FILM) ) – Deyth Banger
- The destination is not the journey. The destination is the person you choose to enjoy the journey with. – Shannon L Alder
- The destination isn’t in finding yourself. The destination is in the search. – Thomas Warfield
- The most beautiful thing about the most beautiful roads is that the destination is forgotten and the journey becomes the destination itself! – Mehmet Murat ildan
- A life that chooses not to grow is a life that died long before it ever lived. – Craig D Lounsbrough
- Be absolutely assured that we will die long before our own deaths if we ever allow the fear of adulthood to kill the wonder of childhood. – Craig D Lounsbrough
- Sadly, I put my dreams to bed long before they ever had the chance to get tired. – Craig D Lounsbrough
- Easter says that every ending ever experienced by man is exquisitely crafted to find its own ending at the feet of a fresh beginning. – Craig D Lounsbrough
- Without a doubt, the most ingenious plan I could ever hope to devise would be to trade my plans for God’s. – Craig D Lounsbrough
- To lead solely on the behalf of those being led is the utter pinnacle of fatherhood, and it is sad that so few ever stand on the summit. – Craig D Lounsbrough
- I while away my time wishing I were someone else when simply being me is the most magnificent thing I could ever wish to do. – Craig D Lounsbrough
- In a very tragic kind of way, sometimes things have to be gone before I fully realize that they were ever there. – Craig D Lounsbrough
- Each day hands me a clean sheet of paper upon which to write. Therefore, I would be wise to write without ever having the need to erase. – Craig D Lounsbrough
- Christmas is a bold act of emboldening sacrifice and the most selfless gift ever granted the rebellious lot that we are. – Craig D Lounsbrough
- Despite opinions to the contrary, restoring Godly values is the most progressive course of action that we could ever hope to take. – Craig D Lounsbrough
- Charlie had kissed a lot of guys. And Connor’s kiss had been the best ever. Ever, ever, ever. – Robin Bielman
- Success is not the final destination but the stepping stone for the next. – Debasish Mridha
- Follow the urge of the spirit of God into the next destination in our journey of faith as a Nation. – Sunday Adelaja
- Here is the truth: The journey to achievement is not a destination, it is only a stop over to the next goal. – John Patrick Hickey
- I’m pretty sure I’m the only author who intends to take the longest possible route to a destination that will always be over the next hill. – Fennel Hudson
- The real destination lies in step taking! – Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
- A little step every day makes you reach your final destination. Don’t be hasty, take it easy your ultimate goal is just a few steps away. – Shraddha Tiwari
- Well, put it this way–I don’t want to ever imagine a moment without you next to me ever again. – Gretchen de la O