I have walked myself into my best thoughts and I know of no thought so burdensome that one cannot walk away from it.
– Sren Kierkegaard
Related Quotes:
- Our life always expresses the result of our dominant thoughts. – Sren Kierkegaard
- People demand freedom of speech as a compensation for the freedom of thought which they seldom use. – Sren Kierkegaard
- Whoever has learned to be anxious in the right way has learned the ultimate. – Sren Kierkegaard
- It costs a man just as much or even more to go to hell than to come to heaven. Narrow, exceedingly narrow is the way to perdition! – Sren Kierkegaard
- It is so hard to believe because it is so hard to obey. – Sren Kierkegaard
- To venture causes anxiety, but not to venture is to lose one’s self…. And to venture in the highest is precisely to be conscious of one’s self. – Sren Kierkegaard
- Therefore do not deceive yourself! Of all deceivers fear most yourself! – Sren Kierkegaard
- Prayer is listening. – Sren Kierkegaard
- Shows itself in the notion that what may be objectively true may in the mouth of certain people become false. – Sren Kierkegaard
- Come, sleep and death; you promise nothing, you hold everything. – Sren Kierkegaard
- It is a frightful satire and an epigram on the modern age that the only use it knows for solitude is to make it a punishment, a jail sentence. – Sren Kierkegaard
- The reward of the good man is to be allowed to worship in truth. – Sren Kierkegaard
- Theology sits rouged at the window and courts philosophy’s favor, offering to sell her charms to it. – Sren Kierkegaard
- Hope is a passion for the possible. – Sren Kierkegaard
- For love is exultant when it unites equals, but it is triumphant when it makes that which was unequal equal in love. – Sren Kierkegaard
- I begin with the principle that all men are bores. Surely no one will prove himself so great a bore as to contradict me in this. – Sren Kierkegaard
- I speak of the Creator. He has walked with me often in my journeys, and it has been by learning to walk with Him that I have learned to walk forward. – Anasazi Foundation
- When Douglas walked, his mind ran, when he ran, his mind walked. – Ray Bradbury
- Before one can walk as Christ walked,and talk as He talked,he must first begin to think as Christ thought. – AA Allen
- You don’t walk away to prove your worth. You walk away because you allowed someone else to dictate your value and you found yourself believing it. – Shannon L Alder
- Though everyone who mattered to him told him to walk away, though Lindsey herself told him to walk away, he was still here. And she was still glad. – Jamie Farrell
- If they don’t walk away, we have to walk away, and sometimes we do it crying. – Donna Lynn Hope
- This fact is that the heaviest and more burdensome load ever is neither the cement bag nor the iron rod. It is hatred. – Israelmore Ayivor
- Beneath your burdensome regrets and who you think you are through the lens of past mistakes, there is someone beautiful who wants to emerge. – Bryant McGill
- Adoption is a beautiful, burdensome blessing. – Jody Cantrell Dyer
- For a majority of women it remains difficult to reconcile increasingly burdensome maternal responsibilities with personal fulfillment. – lisabeth Badinter
- Life and Death took a break,weary from their burdensome role.Nobody lived or died that day. – Joseph GordonLevitt
- Have gracious thoughts of your neighbors,kind thoughts of your friends,loving thoughts of your family,and humble thoughts of yourself. – Matshona Dhliwayo
- He thought of his wife, of his son, of his youth. He thought of life. He thought of death and then he thought of life again. – Teodor Flonta
- Thought awareness is the first step in the process of managing negative thoughts, as you cannot manage thoughts that you are unaware of. – Stephen Richards
- I will walk by myself and cure myself in the sunshine and the wind. – Charles Reznikoff
- Rosa Parks sat so Martin Luther King could walk. Martin Luther King walked so Obama could run. Obama’s running so we all can fly. – JayZ
- People say they walk on the shoulders of giants. True, but have you ever walked like one? – Jill Telford
- Not watching the path where his legs took him, he walked on because he knew he had to walk ahead, leaving his past behind. – Faraaz Kazi
- IF YOU WALK THROUGH THE FIRE I’LL COME TO THEE. As Bob walked past he wondered how many gods that piece of advice might apply to. – Adam Christopher
- If I am indeed my own god, I’d better start praying to myself to get myself out of myself. – Craig D Lounsbrough
- Love forces, at last, this humility: you cannot love if you cannot be loved, you cannot see if you cannot be seen. – James Baldwin
- Those who cannot perceive are no better than those who cannot see…Those who cannot empathize are no better than those who cannot perceive… – Ashok Kallarakkal
- Benazir Bhutto doesn’t cease to exist the moment she gets married. I am not giving myself away. I belong to myself and I always shall. – Benazir Bhutto
- And maybe that is exactly what happened-¦he walked away and never woke up-¦ – Tiffany Apan