Meditation is not about what’s happening, it is about how we’re relating to what’s happening.
– Sharon Salzberg
Related Quotes:
- We can use meditation as a way to experiment with new ways of relating to ourselves, even our uncomfortable thoughts. – Sharon Salzberg
- When we bring deep awareness to whatever’s bothering us, the same things might be happening, but we are able to relate to them differently. – Sharon Salzberg
- By practicing meditation we establish love, compassion, sympathetic joy & equanimity as our home. – Sharon Salzberg
- Meditation is the ultimate mobile device; you can use it anywhere, anytime, unobtrusively. – Sharon Salzberg
- Meditation is a microcosm, a model, a mirror. The skills we practice when we sit are transferable to the rest of our lives. – Sharon Salzberg
- With the practice of meditation we can develop this ability to more fully love ourselves and to more consistently love others. – Sharon Salzberg
- Buddha ï¬rst taught metta meditation as an antidote: as a way of surmounting terrible fear when it arises. – Sharon Salzberg
- What we learn in meditation, we can apply to all other realms of our lives. – Sharon Salzberg
- Each opportunity to interrupt the onslaught of thoughts and return to the object of meditation is, in fact, a moment of enlightenment – Sharon Salzberg
- Meditation trains the mind the way physical exercise strengthens the body. – Sharon Salzberg
- Through meditation we come to know that we are dying & being reborn in every moment. – Sharon Salzberg
- Meditation is a cyclical process that defies analysis, but demands acceptance. – Sharon Salzberg
- When something happens to you that is beyond words, life is happening to you. When the Ultimate is happening to you, you are beyond words. – Swami Dhyan Giten
- when things are not happening the way you expect them to be know that something is happening the way God plan it for you – siphesihle manzini
- It’s not happening to you, it’s happening through you. Check your thoughts and your energetic output for the answers. – Sanjo Jendayi
- Comedy is a distortion of what is happening, and there will always be something happening. – Steve Martin
- Shame, as an emotion, has a core meaning, in relating individuals to wider social groups and norms — real or imagined. – Peter N Stearns
- The purest definition of -œreligious- is: relating to or manifesting faithful devotion to an acknowledged ultimate reality. – Darrell Calkins
- You have everything inside you, though you sometimes only recognise certain bits relating to the current stage of your path. – Jay Woodman
- We also self-inflict violence, because violence is our only way of relating to the world, to others and to ourselves. – Bryant McGill
- Like someone excitedly relating a story, only to find the words petering out, the path gets narrower the further I go, the undergrowth taking over. – Haruki Murakami
- Meditation is doing what you are doing – whether you are doing formal meditation or child care. – Norman Fischer
- Render unto meditation the things that are meditation’s, and unto medication the things that are medication’s. – Barry Graham
- The study of modern mindfulness meditation and emotional intelligence is deeply rooted in the ancient Vipassana meditation techniques. – Amit Ray
- When we pay attention to sensations in our bodies, we can feel that love is the energetic opposite of fear. – Sharon Salzberg
- We begin to cultivate real love for ourselves when we treat ourselves with compassion. – Sharon Salzberg
- Healing comes in many ways, and no one formula fits all. – Sharon Salzberg
- Letting go is an inside job, something only we can do for ourselves. – Sharon Salzberg
- There is no conflict between loving others deeply and living mindfully. – Sharon Salzberg
- Though it may sound paradoxical, identifying our thoughts, emotions, and habitual patterns of behavior is the key to freedom & transformation. – Sharon Salzberg
- By accepting and learning to embrace the inevitable sorrows of life, we realize that we can experience a more enduring sense of happiness. – Sharon Salzberg
- Paying attention to the ethical implications of our choices has never been more pressing-”or more complicated-”than it is today. – Sharon Salzberg
- Causing harm is never just a one-way street. – Sharon Salzberg
- In order to do anything about the suffering of the world we must have the strength to face it without turning away. – Sharon Salzberg
- Vulnerability in the face of constant change is what we share, whatever our present condition. – Sharon Salzberg
- To sense which gifts to accept & which to leave behind is our path to discovering freedom. – Sharon Salzberg
- Self-love is an unfolding process that gains strength over time, not a goal with a fixed end point. – Sharon Salzberg
- Anger often makes us hurt ourselves more than any enemy. – Sharon Salzberg
- Our vision becomes very narrow when we need things to be a certain way and cannot accept things the way they actually are. – Sharon Salzberg
- As a friend of mine told me about Real Happiness: you wrote this one in American. – Sharon Salzberg